Tips on electricity

Electricity can be dangerous to handle and it's important to do it right.

Usage of electricity in the laundry room

In vast majority of homes there are washing machines and dryers. These devices are quite energy consuming. It can be assumed that the electricity consumption of washing machines is 10% of the home’s consumption and a dryer is 12%. Various methods can be used to reduce their energy use, both with the choice of devices and their utilization.

  • Let’s not wash or dry a half-empty load except choosing a system that shortens the washing and drying time in accordance to volume.
  • Let’s not wash above the necessary heat. Washing at 60 ° instead of 90 ° reduces energy consumption by half.
  • Hang the laundry out to dry when possible.
  • Cleanse the condenser in the dryer three to four times a year.
  • Remove the lint from the lint filter regularly.
  • Dryers with moisture sensors stop when a certain humidity is reached and utilize energy better.
  • Most new washers have energy-saving systems, but the systems traditionally use 15-30% less energy than traditional washing systems.
  • The best energy efficiency of washing machines according to European Standard is A and B. Sellers of dryers are to label devices according to these standards.