Here can customers find information on the terms and conditions for service connections, including general terms and specific conditions for each type of utility.
Detailed information about the terms for each utility is available on the side. Connection fees must be paid for each household connection to Veitur's distribution network according to the current price list.
Fee for new installations:
Installation invoice:
Connection fee:
Additional costs for installations:
Changes to site plans:
Connection length in urban areas:
Conditions for installations in holiday homes and stables:
Outdoor connection cabinets:
Meters and control devices:
Laying and access to installations:
Access to intake rooms:
Changes to applications:
Ownership and usage rights of installations:
Access to installations:
Entry point location:
The entry point should be on the outside wall of the house, on the side facing Veitur’s distribution line/pipe.
It is allowed to place the entry point further inside the house if the installations are brought in through a conduit pipe, following the procedure "Design and Installation of Connections."
Designers must know Veitur's terms and the location of their lines/pipes.
Temporary connection:
If a temporary connection is made to a line/pipe at the property boundary that will serve the house permanently, the temporary connection will be disconnected when the main connection is installed in the house according to the application.
Expansion of installations:
For expanding an installation due to increased usage, the fee for the new installation is according to the price list.
If the main lines need to be strengthened, including high-voltage lines, or if a new installation needs to be laid over a longer distance (such as to a thicker main line, pump station, or transformer station), the applicant must pay the additional cost. This is due to changes in the planning conditions used when designing the distribution systems.
Veitur may require that the homeowner handles all excavation work within their lot according to Veitur's requirements.
The applicant also pays for the surface finishing within their lot and is responsible for this finishing.
Changing or moving installations:
If the homeowner wants to change or move an installation due to changes in the house or lot layout, they must pay all costs for this change or move.
The cost is based on the estimated actual cost and must be paid by the applicant before the work starts.
Veitur may require that the homeowner handles all excavation work within their lot according to Veitur's requirements.
The applicant always pays for the surface finishing within their lot and is responsible for this finishing.
Application for disconnection:
A written application is required for the disconnection of installations.
Permanent disconnection of main installations due to house demolition is free of charge.
For temporary disconnection, the actual cost is charged.
Disconnection of temporary installations is free if the same installation is connected as a main installation at the same time according to the application.
Reconnection for new building or moved house:
If you apply for a new installation within 2 years of disconnection, and of the same size as before, the applicant pays the estimated actual cost of disconnection and reconnection.
If apply later, or for a different size installation, the applicant pays for new installations according to the price list.
Size of service pipe:
Determined by Veitur and based on the size of the building in cubic meters or the homeowner's request for water volume in the application.
Connection intake panel:
One connection intake panel is included in each connection fee.
For each additional intake panel an extra 10% of the service pipe fee of the same size is charged. An additional intake panel is an extra to the existing one.
Length of service pipe:
If the total length of the service pipe is more than 50 meters, Veitur can charge an additional fee of 2% of the service pipe fee for each meter over 50 meters.
For farms and year-round houses in rural areas, this limit is 70 meters.
Water temperature:
If the service pipe is so long that the water temperature falls below the standard level based on estimated flow, Veitur can deny the application or set conditions, such as registering a covenant on the house that no claims will be made against Veitur for water temperatures below the standard level.
Connection to the hot water system:
For houses up to 3000 cubic meters, the homeowner must use fittings and bends for the intake according to the procedure "Connection to the Hot Water System."
Veitur will dig the trench and lay a flexible service pipe in a conduit pipe that connects to the wall fitting and intake bend.
Service pipes on the lot:
Each lot is entitled to one service pipe at the price specified in the price list.
Generally, each unit of semi-detached and terraced houses, as well as individual units of commercial buildings, will have its own service pipe if possible.
If someone requests an additional service pipe for the same property, the applicant pays the actual cost of installation and connection and is responsible for its maintenance.
Water for other uses:
Water for uses other than household use is measured with a flow meter. If usage cannot be measured with a flow meter, the user pays a usage fee based on Veitur’s estimate.
Connection manifold:
One connection manifold is included in each connection fee.
For each additional connection manifold, an extra 10% of the service pipe fee of the same size is charged. An additional connection manifold is an extra to the existing one.
Construction water:
When applying for construction water, Veitur provides a special construction water tap with a drain valve that connects to the end of the service pipe.
The water is charged at a daily rate according to the price list until disconnection is requested.
Laying a conduit pipe for the cold water service pipe:
The homeowner must lay a conduit pipe for the cold water service pipe from the intake to the service pipe fitting at the property boundary.
The conduit pipe should be two size classes larger than the service pipe being applied for and should be laid at a depth of about 120 cm. The homeowner is responsible for its placement.
If intake fittings and bends are used according to the procedure "Connection to the Water Supply," Veitur will dig and lay the conduit pipe from the wall fitting to the property boundary.
Additional service line for electric vehicle charging:
Despite section 4.1.7 in the Technical Connection Terms for Electricity Utilities (TTR), Veitur agrees to install one additional or separate service line on a lot for electric vehicle charging where there are multiple addresses. This is only allowed if the current service lines do not have enough power or upgrading them is very impractical.
This applies to shared parking spaces where the service line is connected to a certified user receptacle cabinet or a shared parking garage.
Only one service line can be installed in the same intake room or under the same address. The electrical contractor is responsible for marking and defining the boundaries between service lines within the house.
Main fuses:
The homeowner must provide main fuses according to the size of the service line. The maximum size for a service line according to the price list is 710 A.
If a larger service line is requested, the price is calculated based on the cost for each case. For service lines larger than 2400 A, a special contract is made covering delivery voltage, service line delivery, service line fees, and measurement.
Distribution station (transformer station):
If it is necessary to install a distribution station for a specific property, and if it is mostly used for that property, the owner is required to provide Veitur with a lot or space for the station according to a special agreement.
The owner must comply with all Veitur's terms regarding the size of the lot and the location of the station.
System contribution fee:
According to the Electricity Act Implementation Regulation No. 1040/2005, Veitur may require a system contribution fee from new customers if the expected revenue from the distribution service does not cover the normal capital and operating costs. This also applies if the electricity system needs to be strengthened due to a request for a larger service line.
Conduit pipe for service lines 63 A and smaller:
The homeowner must lay a 50 mm conduit pipe from the intake point to the end of the service line at the property boundary.
If intake fittings and bends are used according to the "Connection to the Electricity Utility" procedure, Veitur will dig and lay the conduit pipe from the wall fitting to the property boundary.
Short-term use:
A customer can request a connection to Veitur's distribution system for short-term use where possible.
The fee for such a connection is according to Veitur's price list, with a 55% surcharge for work outside regular working hours (weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM).
Ownership of sewer service pipes:
Sewer service pipes are owned by the homeowner up to the connection with Veitur's sewer system at the property boundary, such as at the street, sidewalk, or open area.
New neighborhoods and new lots:
In new neighborhoods and where new lots are created in older neighborhoods, the connection points for sewer, rainwater, and wastewater service pipes are specified on the elevation plan.
Older neighborhoods:
In older neighborhoods where there are no existing service pipe connections, the homeowner is responsible for laying their own service pipes up to the connection with Veitur's sewer system at the property boundary, unless otherwise agreed.
Timing of installations:
Installations for holiday homes will not be done in winter.
Applications for new installations will not be accepted from October 1st to April 1st.
Installation work must be completed by the end of October and will not start again until mid-April.
Intake cabinets:
For holiday homes, the applicant must provide intake cabinets according to specific terms: one for hot water and one for electricity.
Length of installations:
If the total length of the installations exceeds 100 meters, the cost will be based on an estimate.
Intake rooms:
Intake rooms must comply with building regulations.
In multi-unit buildings, the intake room must be located in a common area accessible to all owners.
Access for Veitur employees:
Access for Veitur employees to intake rooms must be ensured.
This includes access to all meters, meter boards, main valves, main fuses, main connection boxes, or main distribution boxes, and main lines.
In locations without daily attendance, Veitur may require that necessary intake and meter equipment be installed outdoors in an appropriate cabinet.
The homeowner must provide the cabinet, which must be accessible to Veitur employees.