Skamm­tíma­tenging rafmagns

Hægt er að fá skammtímatengingu á rafmagni fyrir tímabundna notkun, til dæmis fyrir sölubása, viðburði eða aðrar tímabundnar aðgerðir. Þessi þjónusta er háð staðsetningu og aðstæðum í dreifikerfinu. Skammtímatenging er afhent við götuskáp eða dreifistöð í skáp sem notandinn útvegar. Hámarkstími fyrir skammtímatengingu er 30 dagar

Additional Charges: There are separate charges for connection, disconnection, and usage. A 55% surcharge applies for work done outside regular working hours. the charging details can be found in the electricity distribution price list.

Process for Requesting a Temporary Connection

  1. Hire a Certified Electrician: Contact a certified electrician to handle the work.

  2. Submit Application: Apply for a "Temporary Connection" in the connection application on Veitur My Pages. Either the payer or the electrician can submit the application. Specify the installation and removal dates.

  3. Service Request: The electrician submits a service request to Veitur through the Construction Authority (Mannvirkjastofnun).

  4. Delivery Time and Cost Information: The contact person is informed about the delivery time and estimated cost.

  5. Setup by Electrician: The electrician sets up a cabinet with a circuit breaker, automatic fuses, and space for an electricity meter.

  6. Temporary Connection: Veitur connects the temporary connection in consultation with the electrician.

Delivery Time: The estimated delivery time is 5 working days.