The security of employees, contractors and residents is held at the highest priority with all of our operations.
Every year we at Veitur do a vast amount of construction and act on outages. Users may therefore experience lack of water or electricity service, disruption of traffic and damaged grounds. The security of employees, contractors and residents is held at the highest priority with all of our operations. Therefore, we apply very strict rules on employee’s safety equipment, area marking and demarcation. Our employees and contractors regularly get safety training, for example, regarding access to electricity, hot water and hazardous materials and first aid. We require the contractor to submit a risk assessment before work begins. On the website of our parent company, OR, a form can be obtained to fill out the risk assessment (in Icelandic).
We emphasize to inform residents about upcoming and ongoing constructions, among other things, by sending text messages to phone numbers listed in your area and it has been very well received. We also distribute flyers to the houses, place a notice on our website and Facebook page, and advertise in other ways, as appropriate. When major projects are in the pipeline, we will send a letter to the residents and businesses in the affected areas.
After completion we make sure that the work area has no visible traces.
In our operations we expect all requirements, laws and rules to be followed and that there should be a constant effort to work on reforms which promote the increased safety of our staff, colleagues and customers.
Safety requirements for contractors engaged in various small projects related to the premises of the Reykjavik Energy Group (in Icelandic).
The handbook was compiled by a work group on behalf of Samorka (the Federation of Icelandic Energy and Utilities) and was conceived as a handbook for general and occupational safety for all of the utilities in the federation.