New user

Common questions and answers regarding moving, new users and notifications.

  • Where do I inform Veitur that there is a new user?

    Here you inform us of a new user for meter/s

  • What information do I need when registering a new user?

    • The social security number (kennitala) of the current user
    • The social security number (kennitala) of the new user
    • Meter numbers for all meters from Veitur
    • Meter readings for all meters from Veitur

    We can read the meter for you for a fee. You can choose this when you register a new user. More information on meter readings can be found here.

  • Who is responsible for notifying a new user?

    Generally, the current user is responsible for registering o new user. However, the real estate owner is responsible for making sure the right person is registered.

    The real estate owner must notify Veitur if a new user has not been registered.

    If the real estate owner does not notify Veitur about a new user, they are responsible themselves for paying the outstanding bills.

  • What happens if I forget to notify Veitur that I have moved?

    You will continue to pay for the usage at the old place. Bills are sent to the person registered for the meter.

    If you forgot to register a new user/a change in residence you can ask for the balance sheet from us, but it will not be accurate for the specific period. Therefore, you must sort this out with the new user. We can assist you, but the calculation will not be 100% accurate.

  • How do I notify a new user/owner for the water and wastewater bills?

    You do not have to. It happens automatically every month with information from the housing registry (Fasteignaskrá).

  • Why is the user change not automatic for electricity and hot water like for the water and wastewater?

    Water and wastewater bills are always sent to the real estate owner, but electricity and hot water can be independent of ownership. Renters, for example, have a right to be registered for the use of hot water and electricity in their households.

  • How old can the electricity meter reading be at the time of a user change?

    The electricity meter reading should ideally be taken on the same day as the user change is reported. However, the reading must not be older than two days.